People in Mortimer are being invited to have their say on proposals for up to 110 new homes on two separate sites in the village which together will provide the community with more than 40 affordable homes and new public open space.
The purpose of the public consultation event is to ask local residents about where the balance of the 110 new homes that are to be provided in village should be located if, as now seems likely, it is found that they cannot all be accommodated on the preferred draft Neighbourhood Plan site.
The proposals, which also include land for a school and GP surgery, will be on show at a drop-in event at Mortimer Community Centre on Thursday 26th January from 4pm – 8pm. Members of the project team will be available to discuss the scheme and there will be an opportunity to leave feedback to help shape the plans before they are submitted to West Berkshire Council.
Approximately 75 of the new homes are proposed for a site behind St John’s Church, and around 35 on land south of West End Road. Forty percent of the houses will be designated as affordable homes, with a portion being available for rent and others being available for shared ownership.
The proposals are being brought forward by local house builder T A Fisher, in conjunction with the landowner the Englefield Estate. They have been drawn up by architects Pro Vision of Newbury.
John Fisher, Managing Director of T A Fisher said: “Mortimer’s Neighbourhood Development Plan has already identified one of these two sites as being the preferred location to help meet the village’s need for at least 110 new homes.
“In looking at the final draft of the Neighbourhood Plan, the examiner was concerned that not all of the 110 homes could be accommodated on the preferred site for landscaping reasons, which means another site would need to be found. As a result, and to make sure we are able to deliver the right number and type of homes in the best places, we have bought forward these latest proposals.
“That means Mortimer would still be able to meet its target of 110 new homes, with 44 of them being affordable, in appropriate locations close the centre of the village and adjacent to existing development. This would also ensure land for community infrastructure, including a new infant school, and a large area of open space are provided alongside the new homes.
“The layouts have been carefully drawn up to reflect and enhance the special rural character of the village.”
“Edward Crookes, Estates Director from Englefield, said: “The Estate has a long history of supporting local communities, and has provided places for people to live, work, learn and play for many years. “As a local landowner, we have been asked to make space available for new homes in Mortimer to help meet the pressing need for new houses. The two areas we put forward have long been identified as potential development sites by West Berkshire Council.
“These latest proposals also mean we will be able to set aside land which could be used to help Mortimer meet its future needs, for new school buildings and a GP surgery, for example.”
The proposed scheme also includes three hectares, or seven acres, of public open space for the village.
Details about the plans, and the exhibition, are also available online at the website